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Resilient Teams™ Codebook

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Resilient Teams Codebook Resilient Teams™ Codebook


Your Introduction to Resilient Teams™

This codebook is designed to provide you with all the information you need to interpret your teams resilience data. It is meant to supplement the ‘Facilitators Guide’ and together the information will help you architect how you take your team through the results, and answer any gnarly questions along the way. To get the most out of the codebook it’s really helpful to have your teams data available on your computer, mobile or tablet. We will be referencing these data when we get to how to the section on results (pages 8 to 11).

Why Resilience?

Resilience plays a crucial role in the success of individuals and teams. It’s so important, in fact, that we believe cultivating resilience is the single biggest influencer of performance at work and in life.

How do we know? Because years of research and experience with extraordinary teams and individuals have shown us firsthand that resilient individuals and teams are able to engage with adversity, persist in the face of significant odds, bounce back quicker than the average and learn from their experiences. In short, resilient teams are the teams that prevail over the long term.

Contrary to popular belief, long-haul resilience takes more than just grit or a “buckle-down” mindset. Instead, think of true resilience as requiring sustained, engaged attention to build capability in a small number of specific skills. Before we dig further into what makes a team resilient, here’s what you can expect from this codebook:

  • An introduction to the Resilient Teams™ philosophy and approach
  • An explanation of the five key dimensions of team resilience
  • An overview of RallyBright’s theory on team types and how teams develop and achieve
  • How to interpret the results of the Resilient Team™ Diagnostic taken by your team
  • Key recommendations for your team to activate its resilience

Let’s get started!

Download the Resilient Teams™ Codebook